Monday, 7 September 2009

I have finally finished the book I've been working on, its available in the Blurb bookstore, and if you're interested you can buy it by going to the following address -

You can preview the first few pages and choose between buying a soft cover version, or a hardcover version. The book will be available at cost price (£10.95 for the soft cover, 19.95 for the hard cover i think) until the 14th of September, so you guys, my friends and family arent lining my pockets, but after that the price will be increased a little to pay for the promotional copies i'm going to be sending to people. So get in there quick yeah?

I will be putting some of the images up on my website later (,) but not all of them, so buying the book is the only way to get the full set!

Anyway, i havent worked out how to describe the book yet, its probably science fiction photography, but that sounds terrible. Its a post-apocalyptic vision of the future, but that sound horrible too. If someone could describe it as Ken Loach crossed with Ridley Scott, on acid, so I can pompously quote them, i'd be grateful. Once you've read it, If you have a less vomit inducing description, please, please let me know!

I would love to buy you all a copy, especially everyone who is featured in the book, and all those who helped me, but I would be penniless!

James Midwinter

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