Friday, 31 July 2009
Some images from another New Adventures shoot I did recently. These wont make my main website, but I quite like them all the same. The field we shot in was lovely but i got bitten to pieces by horse flies and got very hot very quickly.
At one point a lady in a 4x4 roared into the field. She had a pack of barking dogs in the back going mental, and she got out and yelled to us "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" in the same way your Mum might have when you were 8 and she caught you licking a bannister on the stairs. Steve from the band yelled back "we're doing a photoshoot" expecting to be told off profusely, before having the pack of rabid dogs set on us. Instead she just said "oh" and got back in her car and roared off again.

At one point a lady in a 4x4 roared into the field. She had a pack of barking dogs in the back going mental, and she got out and yelled to us "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" in the same way your Mum might have when you were 8 and she caught you licking a bannister on the stairs. Steve from the band yelled back "we're doing a photoshoot" expecting to be told off profusely, before having the pack of rabid dogs set on us. Instead she just said "oh" and got back in her car and roared off again.

Thursday, 30 July 2009
People in the advertising industry are paid thousands upon thousands of pounds a week to produce work of such eye wateringly dull and unoriginal quality it would shame even Jonathan Ross.
People in Devon are paid (probably) below minimum wage and create brilliance like this.
If you let any major ad agency rebrand this shop it would do an expensive focus group on what people 'feel' when they get their passport photo done, and what 'aspirations' they have for said photo. Then they'd commision some horrendously dull photos of people in fields having their passport photos taken, add some smiling kids, and have some track by sigur ros playing throogh a nearby speaker.
This shop in Devon has gone down the alternate, and entirely more effective route of saying, "do you have a sense of humour about this boring menial task? No? well fuck off to Boots to get yours done then."

People in the advertising industry are paid thousands upon thousands of pounds a week to produce work of such eye wateringly dull and unoriginal quality it would shame even Jonathan Ross.
People in Devon are paid (probably) below minimum wage and create brilliance like this.
If you let any major ad agency rebrand this shop it would do an expensive focus group on what people 'feel' when they get their passport photo done, and what 'aspirations' they have for said photo. Then they'd commision some horrendously dull photos of people in fields having their passport photos taken, add some smiling kids, and have some track by sigur ros playing throogh a nearby speaker.
This shop in Devon has gone down the alternate, and entirely more effective route of saying, "do you have a sense of humour about this boring menial task? No? well fuck off to Boots to get yours done then."
Monday, 27 July 2009
I've been desperately trying to get my book finished at the moment, so I have neglected my blog for a while, but i'm now going to try to update it at least every other day now. This is something I shot for a little set of image im putting on my website, it wasnt strong enough to go in, but I really like it so i'm putting it up on here!

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