Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Rock Sound Magazine double page spread

Another of my press images (below) for Love Amongst Ruin is out in the wide world today, this time a dps in the somewhat generically titled Rock Sound magazine. Its my first 'proper' image in a national glossy (my tasteless cover of a crap business magazine a few years ago doesnt count) and it was quite exciting buying the magazine and seeing my pic inside.

A better quality version is now up on my site

From my recent lack of blog posts it might seem like all I've been doing is sitting around waiting for images I shot ages ago to be used in various media outlets, but I have in fact been working like the provervbial, and have quite a few different things to put up on my site soon. I'm in one of those periods where, whilst I'm really pleased with the work I've been doing, I'm so eager to get it out in the world, that its stressing me out. What a weirdo.....