Friday, 28 August 2009

This is an image of the final location of my book. Its the ruins of an old cottage in the middle of Dartmoor. A really nice place to visit, but i got bitten to fuck by horse flies whilst i was there, and the marks on my legs have only recently gone down. What is the point of horse flies? I think I actually hate them.

Friday, 21 August 2009

Cant ruddy believe it! thanks to Google Analytics i have just found out that someone in Brisbane, Australia and Ichikawa in Japan have visited my main website and blog this week. plus someone in the U.S and canada. Who are these people, im dying to know! Although maybe they just accidentally went onto the sites?

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Another image that I cut out of the book im making....

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Wednesday, 5 August 2009


This one is a bit too Digital Camera User Monthly for my tastes. Still, doing a wide angle stitch together is a good way to capture what a location is really like. I just never feel really inspired by the results. Throw a bit of smoke in the background, someone with terrible injuries in the foreground, desaturate it all and add a post apocalyptic vibe and im right there though.

Monday, 3 August 2009

I'm reaching the end! Things are starting to come together on my book, and i'm getting to the stage where im shedding a few of the images. This is one which didnt sit right with the others for several reasons, I under exposed the background a bit (which isnt a problem when its by itself), and it didnt fit in the story anymore. It would have been a lot of work to get it anywhere near the others, so I dropped it.

Nicole and I watched the whole last series of West Wing this weekend, its a good show to have on while im retouching, since its more about the dialogue than the visuals. I think its easily the best TV series I've ever watched, just slightly edging out Generation Kill and Deadwood. Watch it!!!